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Landing Page Design


Return Soon is a unique tech product which enables online users to access their one of a kind rental search engine to rent out any fashion product in the market, specifically aiming for luxury goods and accessories like shoes, belts, jewelry, head-pieces, clothes, bags etc. 

This unique rental engine needed a renovated landing page with a power packed header, sleek showcase of current inventory and a great big arrow mar leading to their resale retail shop. 

Not only did I focus on their current needs but also catered to their rebranding with a more stylish and sophisticated appeal that attracts the right target audience who enjoys an extra dollop of luxury withthtie everyday life.


To create an impactful, stunning landing page that shows off the unique rental search engine in a power-packed way and to entice visitors with their eclectic retail shop treasures, have more user sign-ups, better user experience and excellent return to website rates. I had a 3 month timeline to present my designs to the stakeholders.

TOOLS: Figma, Curve, Fig-jam, Zoom.

Screen Shot 2024-02-13 at 9.20.27 PM.png

Impactful header

Rental Search Engine

Sleek product display

Brand showcase 


Email sign-up prompt

Renewed social media branding

Extensive footer menu design

 © 2024 Pooja Gurudatt. Portfolio made with a ton of tea and lots of love ♥ 

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